
Looking for a quick and easy way to increase the value of your home? Get a Level II EV charger!

Car manufacturers the world over are increasingly investing in electric vehicles, but even EVs need to be refilled. While there's already a handful of charging stations in our area, they're not likely near your home and are primarily designed for travelers passing through; an inconvenience at the least, a deal-breaker for many. Most locals have resorted to using 120v DC adapters at home for charging their vehicles, at the breathtaking rate of 3-5 miles of range per hour charged. Good luck going to the lake after work! But there's good news: technology is ever progressing. 240v Level II chargers, installed right in your garage, can give you 30-40 miles range in an hour's charging time. Don't own an EV or Hybrid? The future buyer for your home likely will. These car manufacturers have committed to switching production solely to hybrid or electric vehicles: 2025 Jaguar 2026 Bentley 2027 Volkswagen 2030 BMW Mini Volvo 2035 General Motors 2036 Audi 2040 Toyota Daimler / Mercedes-Benz If you plan on selling your home, don't be the one on the list without a hookup for prospective buyers' cars; be the one on the list with a Level II charger!